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AUDI A4 Avant 40 TDI quattro S tr. S line ed.

38.204 £ share
Year Body Previous Owners  1/2023 Year, Station 1 Previous Owners
Mileage undefined Fuel  30.751 km, Used Hybrid
Engine Power Gearbox  150 kW / 204 hp Automatic

ABS Air condition Air condition automatic Airbag driver Airbag passenger Alarm system Bluetooth CD player
Audi Zentrum Bologna logo

Audi Zentrum Bologna

Dealer, all Cars
Via dell'Industria 36, Bologna IT

General General

Previous Owners1
VAT DeductibleNo

Body Body

Body colorOther
Paint Type

Engine & Gearbox Engine & Gearbox

Power150 kW / 204 hp
Engine capacity
EmissionEuro 6

Options Options

Air conditionAir condition
Air condition automaticAir condition automatic
Airbag driverAirbag driver
Airbag passengerAirbag passenger
Alarm systemAlarm system
CD playerCD player
Central lockingCentral locking
Cruise controlCruise control
Digital cockpitDigital cockpit
Electric side mirrorsElectric side mirrors
Electric windowsElectric windows
On-board computerOn-board computer

Description Description

Airbag laterali anteriori e posteriori e sistema degli airbag per la testa Audi smartphone interface Bracciolo centrale anteriore comfort Cerchi, design a 5 razze doppie a stella, 8,0J x 18, pneumatici 245/40 R18 Cielo in tessuto Nero Climatizzazione comfort a 3 zone Cofano del bagagliaio ad apertura e chiusura elettriche Combinazione pelle/similpelle mono.pur 550 Interfacce di ricarica USB nella parte posteriore dell'abitacolo Pacchetto Assistenza Tour Riconoscimento della segnaletica stradale con telecamera Audi active lane assist Sistema di regolazione automatica della velocità Audi adaptive cruise control Con telecamera multifunzionale Pacchetto Business Tendina parasole manuale per i finestrini posteriori Volante in pelle a 3 razze multifunzionale plus Interfaccia Bluetooth Sistema di navigazione e infotainment Audi connect Riscaldamento dei sedili anteriori Navigatore MMI plus con MMI touch Specchietto interno schermabile automaticamente, senza cornice Specchietti esterni regol., riscald. e ripieg. elettr., con funzione autom. antiabb. sui due lati, funzione Memory Regolazione automatica degli abbaglianti Audi virtual cockpit plus Sistema di controllo per il parcheggio plus Pacchetto estetico Nero Pacchetto Luci Ambiente Pacchetto Sicurezza bambini Sistema di fissaggio ISOFIX per i seggiolini dei bambini per il sedile del passeggero Chiusura di sicurezza per bambini, ad azionamento elettrico Airbag anteriori, airbag del passeggero disattivabile Predisposizione per dispositivo di traino Retrocamera Sedili anteriori a regolazione elettrica incl. funzione Memory per il sedile del Sedili anteriori a regolazione elettrica con funzione Memory per il sedile del conducente Supporto lombare a 4 vie per i sedili anteriori Serbatoio dell'agente riducente con volume di rifornimento maggiorato Sistema audio Audi
Audi Zentrum Bologna
Via dell'Industria 36
40138 Bologna Italy
Phone: +39 051 506 8811
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AUDI A4 - Reviews

- 4.5 / 4 Reviews
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A car bought from 1 owner who bought a car in pl. Mileage when buying 118K km, currently 150K km. In this engine version I do not recommend. I started the hill at A4 behind Krakow towards Katowice just behind the goals from 137 km/h and finished at 137 despite the gas pedal pressed to resistance. Fortunately, the car was bought immediately with the intention of modification, the 2.0 TDI engine version the cheapest and much simply and cheap modifiable with an inexpensive serial turbine from the 177 HP version and chip (unfortunately the modification comes to the clutch either strengthened or reinforced or Sachs Performance because the serial slides after the procedure). The rest with the engine described below. Zero failure. Generally, when it comes to the engine version, I recommend the S4 B8 (3.0 TFSI straight and cheap modified at 440-460 HP :) incredibly modifiable car. You can add everything from electronics to quattro at prices much lower than, for example, BMW. Despite the significant upgrade of power, no problems.
Auto kupione od 1 właściciela, który kupił auto w Pl. Przebieg przy zakupie 118k km, obecnie 150k km. W tej wersji silnikowej nie polecam. Górkę na A4 za Krakowem w stronę Katowic zaraz za bramkami zacząłem od 137 km/h i skończyłem na 137 mimo wciśniętego pedału gazu do oporu. Na szczęście auto kupione od razu z zamiarem modyfikacji, wersja silnikowa 2.0 TDI najtańsza a znacznie prosto i tanio modyfikowalna niedrogą seryjną turbiną z wersji 177 KM i chipem (niestety do modyfikacji dochodzi sprzęgło albo wzmacniane albo z sachs performance ponieważ seryjne ślizga się po zabiegu). Reszta o silniku opisana poniżej. Zero awarii. Generalnie jeżeli chodzi o wersję silnikową to polecam S4 B8 (3.0 Tfsi prosto i tanio modyfikowalne na 440-460 KM :) Niesamowicie modyfikowalne auto. Można dołożyć wszystko od elektroniki po quattro w cenach o wiele niższych niż np. BMW. Mimo znacznego upgrade'u mocy zero problemów.
The task was to buy a new medium -sized sedan/liftback up to 2 million rubles. I chose from Camry, Kia Optima, Audi A4, Octavia. I chose A4. The feeling of quality in it is greater. Materials are better and tactile and visually. And he rides somehow more collected. The 3rd BMW series still likes it, but with the change of generation, the price was very much left for the 2. The choice is still satisfied, especially the expenditure on the highway. We will observe how he will show ourselves in winter.
Задача была купить новый среднеразмерный седан/лифтбек до 2 млн рублей. Выбирал из Камри, Киа Оптима, Ауди А4, Октавия. Выбрал А4. Ощущение качества в ней больше. Материалы лучше и тактильно и визуально. И едет как-то собраннее. 3 серия БМВ ещё нравится, но со сменой поколения цена сильно ушла за 2. Выбором пока доволен, особенно расходом по трассе. Будем наблюдать как зимой себя покажет.
Bottom line, the A4 is now way too small for my needs. Took an A6 for a ride. Creature comfort and tons of acceleration even with the 45 engine. This trunk for this size car is also small and happens to be exactly the size of my 2000 A4!!, 13.7 cubic feet. Decided to hold off on purchase for now.
I purchased 2021 Audi A4 Quattro S Line for daily commutes. It’s quite luxurious, ride is smooth, it’s sporty, and every drive in this car feels special. It’s a great value and offers the full Audi experience in an efficiently sized sports sedan. For all the speed limits, this is enough power and performance for daily driving. Love the car!