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Audi A3 1.5 TFSi S-tronic *NAVIGACIJA*

15.539 £ share
Year Body Previous Owners  1/2018 Year, Hatchback 1 Previous Owners
Mileage undefined Fuel  121.909 km, Used Gasoline
Engine Power Gearbox  110 kW / 150 hp Automatic

ABS Air condition Air condition automatic Airbag driver Airbag passenger Alarm system Bluetooth CD player
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Dealer, all Cars
Dubrava 264, Zagreb HR

General General

Previous Owners1
VAT DeductibleNo

Body Body

Body colorOther
Paint Type

Engine & Gearbox Engine & Gearbox

Power110 kW / 150 hp
Engine capacity1498 CC
EmissionEuro 6

Options Options

Air conditionAir condition
Air condition automaticAir condition automatic
Airbag driverAirbag driver
Airbag passengerAirbag passenger
Alarm systemAlarm system
CD playerCD player
Central lockingCentral locking
Cruise controlCruise control
Digital cockpitDigital cockpit
Electric side mirrorsElectric side mirrors
Electric windowsElectric windows
On-board computerOn-board computer

Description Description

Vozilo u sustavu PDV-a. Trans Auto d.o.o. Avenija Dubrava 264, 10040 Tel: +385 1 6395 444 Fax: +385 1 6395 445 Mail : sven@transauto.hr ( Sven ) Mob:091 44 44 121 Mail: jurica@transauto.hr ( Jurica ) Mob: 099 34 44 144 Mail: andjelko@transauto.hr ( Anđelko ) Mob: 091 44 40 754 OGLASI SE GENERIRAJU AUTOMATSKI! Zato postoji mogućnost odstupanja u opisu dodatne opreme iz oglasa i vozila. Podaci su informativni i moguće je da se razlikuju od stvarnih podataka na vozilima za što se unaprijed ispričavamo. Za točne podatke o vozilu, motoru, opremi, mjenjaču, godištu i točne kilometre, molimo Vas da provjerite osobno na vozilu ili kod prodavatelja. NAPOMENA: Kod raznih navigacija na vozilima, pokrivenost mapa možda nije potpuna ili pokriva tek određene države ili vozilo ima predpripremu što znači da je potrebno kupiti CD, SD karticu ili modul za navigaciju, ovisno od proizvođača vozila. Zbog možebitnih razlika u navigacijama molimo da se o detaljima informirate kod prodavatelja prije kupnje vozila

Other Audi A3 Cars

Trans Auto
Dubrava 264
10000 Zagreb Croatia
Phone: +385 1 6395 444
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Audi A3 - Reviews

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I was about to buy a new Volkswagen Golf model, but when I accidentally saw the description of the Audi A3, I started to doubt. Eventually I decided and bought Audi A3 as a big surprise of friends and family. The body is a sedan, the engine is small - 1.4 liter 122 hp, automatic gearbox 7 gears. The driving characteristics are very good. Dynamics - Excellent, the fuel consumption is very low. Moreover, there is an option that helps to further reduce consumption: switching off 2 cylinders, which leads to a reduction in consumption to 4.8 liters per 100 km. But even without this mode you don't have to worry about saving, because in city mode the car does not consume more than 7 liters. Depending on the circumstances and driving style, it is possible to adjust the suspension. I liked it a lot. The salon is pleasant, the quality of the materials is fairly good. Only two adults fit comfortably in the back, when a third party is behind, is tight. In the basic configuration, the seats are mechanically adjustable, this is of course a downside. But that is where the defects end. The car is just great for its price. I think this car is excellent. It is comfortable, beautiful, economical - an ideal ratio between price and quality.
Ik stond op het punt een nieuw model Volkswagen Golf te kopen, maar toen ik per ongeluk de beschrijving van de Audi A3 zag, begon ik te twijfelen. Uiteindelijk besloot ik en heb Audi A3 gekocht tot grote verrassing van vrienden en familie. De carrosserie is een sedan, de motor is klein - 1.4 liter 122 pk, automatische versnellingsbak 7 versnellingen. De rijeigenschappen zijn zeer goed. Dynamiek - uitstekend, het brandstofverbruik is erg laag. En bovendien is er een optie die helpt om verbruik verder te kunnen verlagen: het uitschakelen van 2 cilinders, wat leidt tot een vermindering van het verbruik tot 4,8 liter per 100 km. Maar ook zonder deze modus hoef je je geen zorgen te maken over besparen, want in stadsmodus verbruikt de auto niet meer dan 7 liter. Afhankelijk van de omstandigheden en rijstijl is het mogelijk om de vering aan te passen. Ik vond het erg leuk. De salon is prettig, de kwaliteit van de materialen is redelijk goed. Slechts twee volwassenen passen comfortabel achterin, als een derde bij is achter, zit krap. In de basisconfiguratie zijn de stoelen mechanisch verstelbaar, dit is natuurlijk een minpuntje. Maar dat is waar de gebreken eindigen. De auto is gewoon super voor zijn prijs. Ik vind deze auto uitstekend. Het is comfortabel, mooi, zuinig - een ideale verhouding tussen prijs en kwaliteit.